Original 1887, vintage 2008 : a trip to the roots

Llopart Llegat Familiar best wine in catalonia

16 de October de 2024/by admin

Llopart raises €6,202 for childhood cancer

29 de February de 2024/by admin

Llopart adapts a soil tillage technique to fight drought

29 de February de 2024/by admin

Llopart culminates Leopardi’s 40th birthday with novelties

9 de December de 2023/by admin

Llopart Original 1887 among the best wines in the world according to Wine Enthusiast 2023

7 de December de 2023/by admin

Llopart raises more than 5.000€ against childhood cancer

4 de May de 2023/by admin

Llopart and Ramon Mirabet

30 de April de 2023/by admin

Llopart one of the best producers according to the Ecovino contest

26 de April de 2023/by admin

New Llopart Leopardi Magnum

10 de February de 2023/by admin

Llopart Panoramic, gold medal

8 de November de 2022/by admin

Llopart Llegat Familiar, Best Traditional Sparkling Wine

3 de November de 2022/by admin

Llopart Panoramic at Mundus Vini

13 de October de 2022/by admin

Pick, stomp and taste

22 de September de 2022/by admin

Llopart L’Enigma3

22 de September de 2022/by admin

Llopart receives the Environmental Sustainability Award

15 de December de 2021/by admin

Harvest Walk and Picnic

4 de September de 2021/by admin

Glamping among vineyards

18 de June de 2021/by admin

Llopart renews the Biosphere Sustainable Tourism Certification

28 de April de 2021/by admin

Llopart awarded with gold at the organic wines contest ECOVINO

28 de April de 2021/by admin

L’Enigma2: a new mystery to solve

22 de April de 2021/by admin

Pedro Ballesteros MW on Llopart Original 1887

25 de February de 2021/by admin

Llopart has been the first winery to be recognized with the Global Safety Stamp

3 de February de 2021/by admin

Llopart hands over 4.605€ to the foundation Amics Joan Petit

21 de December de 2020/by admin

International awards

11 de December de 2020/by admin

In memory of Pere Llopart

5 de December de 2020/by admin

Llopart in Peñín Guide 2021

1 de December de 2020/by admin

Llopart solidarity day

12 de October de 2020/by admin

Harvest and Picnic

5 de September de 2020/by admin

Llopart Vitis renews its image

8 de June de 2020/by admin

A night under the stars

21 de February de 2020/by admin

The secret life of plants

28 de November de 2019/by admin

Llopart amongst the 100 best wines of the world

21 de November de 2019/by admin

2019: an excellent vintage

7 de November de 2019/by admin

Michelin cuisine at the winery

6 de November de 2019/by admin

Original 1887, vintage 2008: a trip to the roots

5 de July de 2019/by admin

Vintage 2008 of the Original 1887

4 de July de 2019/by admin

Interview with Pere Llopart i Vilarós in Cupatges

11 de January de 2019/by admin

Pere Llopart receives recognition for his career in the cava sector

29 de October de 2018/by admin

Solidarity Open doors day at Llopart

29 de October de 2018/by admin

Llopart takes you to the harvest of 1887

24 de September de 2018/by admin

Llopart Microcosmos and Llopart Brut Nature, 2 out of 4 Special Awards at the Challenge International du vin

5 de July de 2018/by admin

Llopart Ex·Vite, Decanter Platinum “Best of Show” Medal

20 de June de 2018/by admin

Contemplative photography workshop in Llopart

23 de February de 2018/by admin

The Luxury Travel Guide visits Llopart

29 de May de 2017/by admin

Live the sprout of Llopart’s vineyards from a bird’s eye view

24 de May de 2017/by admin

Caves Llopart awarded with the 2017 Creu de Sant Jordi

27 de April de 2017/by admin

Llopart, best 2017 Enotouristic Experience

22 de December de 2016/by admin

Llopart wins 4 awards in the last Vinari prizes

18 de October de 2016/by admin

Succesful summer activities at Llopart

12 de August de 2016/by admin

Harvest workshop

5 de August de 2016/by admin

Llopart and Vinyasons

1 de July de 2016/by admin


20 de June de 2016/by admin

Green pruning at Llopart

15 de May de 2016/by admin

The new Vitis from Llopart

10 de March de 2016/by admin