Solidarity Open doors day at Llopart
On October 12th we organized a Solidarity day in benefit of the foundation Amics Joan petit Nens amb cancer, with whom we collaborate closely throughout the year.
We want to thank all those who visited us; your solidarity helped us raise 1055€ that will entirely be donated to the foundation Amics Joan Petit Nens amb Càncer that works to raise awareness and funding for the research necessary to help cure childhood cancer.
Throughout the year we also raise funds for the foundation: the benefits from our Most Flor de Xarel·lo, our grape juice, are entirely donated to them. This grape juice, that is gaining followers all over the world –this year we started exporting it to Sweden- is made 100% of Xarel·lo, the most iconic grape of the Penedès wine region that is grown under the strictest organic parameters.
The total of the funds raised this year will be handed to the foundation in an act organized at the winery that will also be attended by Pilarín Bayés, the illustrator of the solidarity grape juice logo.